**Please note that we REQUIRE immunizations for our program. Exemptions are not accepted for enrollment into our program.**
Little Angels Mother’s Day Out enrolls children ages 1 to 5 years (pre-kindergarten). Eligibility is maintained if a family’s account is current and all paperwork has been completed and received by the established deadlines. We encourage parents to meet with the Director and participate in a facility tour before the enrollment process is complete.
Our enrollment process requires parents to complete a number of forms and furnish information on their child and themselves. This information helps assure the safety of all children. Once the decision to enroll is made, families must complete the following items, sign where applicable and return them to the center prior to the child’s day of attendance:
1. Enrollment form with information about child’s physician, emergency contacts, special needs, and other important information.
2. Current Immunization Record.
3. All registration, supply fees and first month’s tuition.
4. Parent’s Acknowledgement for receipt of Parent’s Handbook.
We will maintain confidentiality of this information. Please give us updated information whenever there is a change. We will ask you to complete a new admission form every August to make sure we have the most up-to-date information possible.
We will also ask you to sign a statement acknowledging receipt of a copy of this Handbook, which contains our operational policies. If we need to change any of these policies, you will be notified of the changes in writing before the change takes effect.
Cancellation of enrollment must be requested in writing, with two weeks prior notice. Tuition is due through the date of determination. Parents who do not provide the program with the minimum notice must pay tuition for two weeks after notice is given, even if the child no longer attends.
Little Angels Mother’s Day Out tuition fees are charged monthly. The monthly tuition fees are due by the first-class day of every month. Accounts paid after the tenth of the month will be charged an additional $10.00 for each school day each week the account is past due. Failure to pay on time may result in termination of your child’s enrollment.
There are no discounts/reimbursements for days missed due to illness, absences, vacation, public health pandemics or the program being closed for holidays or emergencies (Pandemics).
Additional siblings enrolled in the program will receive a $10.00 discount. We offer a one-time $10.00 discount for referring a new enrollee. We offer a $10.00 monthly discount to members of First Lutheran Church.
A non-refundable annual registration/supply fee per child is due upon enrollment and is renewable at the beginning of each school year.
All fees are to be paid by cash, check, Venmo or money order. There is a $25.00 fee assessed for any returned check. Should this occur more than once, the program will require all further payments be made only by cash, Venmo or money order.
The Registration and supply fees are non-refundable. Refund for this fee may be considered if the school year has not yet started and your child is not taking a spot in a classroom from a student on the waiting list. Prepaid tuition is refundable if proper notice of “Cancellation of Enrollment” is given.
We offer several options for parents. Little Angels Mother’s Day Out classroom days are Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. with extended care available until 2:00 P.M. for additional charges as stated on the enrollment form.
Early Bird Drop Off: (7:30 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.) on class days is offered by the preschool for an additional tuition charge of $6/day or $40/month. If you prefer this option at the monthly rate, payment must be received at the time you pay your regular monthly tuition. If you prefer to pay by the day, payment must be made the same day you drop off your child.
Late Pick Up: Closing time is 2:00 P.M. A late fee of $1.00 will be charged for every minute that you are late picking up your child after 2:05 P.M. The late fee will be payable at the time of pick up. This same policy applies to those attending the half-day session.
We understand that emergencies do occur, but please call to keep us informed so that we may help your child adjust to the wait. Repeated failure to pick up your child on time may result in enrollment termination.
Safety for the children and consideration of other drivers are the basis for our policies relating to driving and parking on church property. Please park in one of the marked parking spaces near the Little Angels entrance door. Be vigilant for children to do the unexpected. Please never leave a child in a parked car.
For each child’s security, our doors are locked and secured with a security system. After tuition and registration fees have been paid, each parent/guardian will receive an individual security code to enter the Little Angels door.
Our security system will allow access through our doors at 8:55 A.M. (unless arrangements are made for Early Bird Drop Off at 7:30 A.M.). In order for children to receive the full benefit of our program and to participate with group activities, we ask that you have your child to his/her classroom promptly at 9:00 A.M. Classes begin curriculum instruction at 9:05 A.M. Please call/text your child’s teacher or the director if your child is going to be absent. Please note: Tuition is not discounted for missed classes.
Each parent is required to sign his/her child in and out upon arrival and departure. You will be asked to designate who will be picking your child up and to leave the parent’s emergency phone number for the day. Children should be escorted by the parent/guardian to the school entrance and released to the staff. Parents are responsible to ensure the attending staff member is aware of their child’s arrival/departure.
We will only release children to the child’s parents or to persons who have been designated in writing by the parents. Please notify us in advance when someone other than a parent of the person who regularly picks up will be collecting the child. The designee who does not regularly pick up must produce a picture ID, such as a driver’s license. The ID will be photocopied for our records. Little Angels Mother’s Day Out cannot release any child to an unauthorized person; therefore, to avoid any confusion, we must emphasize the importance of keeping this information current and accurate.
Little Angels Mother’s Day Out will be closed for Holidays listed in our current School Calendar, inclement weather, or health pandemics interferes with operation of the Program (no prorating or refunds). We will close our facility if area public schools announce closure. For major holidays and emergencies, teachers will contact you by TEXT message, phone call or Facebook. You may also contact the director at 254-217-5035.
It is our intent to meet the needs of children, especially when the parents may be experiencing difficult situations such as divorce, separation, or remarriage. However, we cannot legally restrict the non-custodial parent from visiting the child, reviewing the child’s records, or picking the child up unless we have been furnished with current legal documents stating such directives. Copies of these documents must be kept in the child’s file.
Any visitors to the Little Angels MDO Preschool must sign in, provide identification, and have a purpose for the visit. For your child’s safety, the doors will remain locked at all times. Please inform all family members about our policies and respect our desire to keep all children safe.
As required by law, if we suspect a child has been abused or mistreated, we will report our findings to the appropriate authorities.
Placement of a child in a classroom is determined by age and developmental level. We want your child to be placed where his/her needs are met, and their interest challenged. While we do accept input from parents about room assignments, the program’s Director and teachers will make the final decision based on what is best for the child, other children, teachers, and the program.
All staff members of Little Angels Mother’s Day Out are certified in CPR and First Aid. Little Angels Mother’s Day Out works hard to provide a safe environment for the children at all times, however, part of growing up can include bumps and bruises. We are equipped with simple first aid supplies, and if a child has a minor accident, the staff will provide appropriate first aid to the child.
We will contact you immediately in the unlikely event that your child sustains a more serious injury or is put at risk in any way. If needed, you will be contacted to pick up your child.
If critical injury occurs, we will take the following actions:
· Call 911 or take the child to the nearest emergency room.
· Administer CPR or First Aid when needed.
· Contact the child’s physician
· Contact the child’s parent or the designated emergency contact if the parent can not be reached.
Licensing rules require us to complete a written report on injuries and incidents. You will receive a copy of the report and will be asked to sign the report.
One of the most serious challenges facing group care situations for young children is preventing illness. Every effort is made by staff to prevent the spread of germs.
We strive to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness, which includes frequent hand washing for children and teachers and with instruction in hygiene to help minimize the spread of germs.
Little Angels Mother’s Day Out use the following guidelines to protect your child, as well as others, from contagious illnesses. We realize that this sometimes can be an inconvenience for parents, but we trust that you will understand the necessity for such a policy. If any of the following conditions occur while your child is in attendance, you will be notified and then your child must be picked up as soon as possible:
· Fever of 100.4 degrees or greater
· Two or more episodes of vomiting
· Uncontrolled diarrhea
· Head Lice
· Symptoms of an infectious disease such as ringworm, pink eye, etc.
· Communicable disease (Covid, flu, upper respiratory, etc.)
· Any other condition deemed necessary by the Director/Teacher that puts the well-being of your child and the other children enrolled at risk.
· The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in the facility activities.
· The illness results in a greater need for care than the staff can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other children.
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of disease is to have strictly enforced standards regarding the exclusion of ill children. We need your help for this. Do not bring ill children to school, and if your child becomes ill while at school, please pick up your child immediately. If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, please notify Little Angels Mother’s Day Out director or your child’s teacher. It is important for us to be aware of what children may have been exposed to so that we can communicate this with other parents.
If you need to give your child Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen for any reason please do not bringing your child to school.
Our policy requires that your child be free of symptoms of illness: fever, diarrhea or vomiting for at least 24 hours (Covid-19:14 days). Do not rush a child’s return to school following an illness. We reserve the right to require a doctor’s statement before the child can be readmitted.
We will not administer medications, whether over the counter or prescribed, to children while they are at Little Angels Mother’s Day Out. If a child requires a prescribed medication during school hours, we ask that parents come to the school to administer the medication at the prescribed time.
For the protection of your child as well as the other children in care, your child must have all vaccinations required by the Texas Department of Health. You must provide an immunization record upon enrollment and provide updates to the record whenever your child receives more immunizations.
At Little Angels Mother’s Day Out, the purpose of discipline is to help children develop self-control and to become responsible for their own behavior. Knowing what behavior is appropriate or acceptable in a situation is an important skill. We are committed to helping children learn to express feelings appropriately, to consider other people’s feelings and to negotiate their own conflicts. We use non-punitive methods of discipline which are related to the child’s behavior and encourage the child’s participation. We ask the child to think about the problematic behavior and to find ways with the child to remedy the situation. Teachers like to work closely with parents to understand each child and to determine which methods work best for that child. Teamwork with parents is important.
Discipline at our center is:
· Individualized and consistent for each child.
· Appropriate to the child’s level of understanding.
· Directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior and self-control.
Our staff members use guidance that includes:
· Using praise and encouragement of good behavior instead of focusing only upon the unacceptable behavior.
· Reminding a child of behavior expectations daily by using clear, positive statements.
· Redirecting behavior using positive statements.
· Using brief supervised separation or time out from the group when age appropriate for the child’s age and development and which is limited to no more than one minute per year of the child’s age.
If a child exhibits continually disruptive and unsafe behavior that is not resolved through appropriate behavior management strategies, the teacher will discuss the situation with a supervisor and try to develop an action plan. All reasonable attempts will be made to work with the child and the family to resolve the behavior problem. Staff will keep parents informed of the progress made. If a parent refuses to work with the staff in resolving the problem, and/or the behavior problem persists resulting in a chronic situation requiring greater need for care than Little Angels Mother’s Day Out can provide, then the child’s enrollment shall be subject to termination.
We will serve snacks each morning. Parents must provide their child with their own lunch and drink. We ask that all foods be age appropriate and easy for children who are capable of feeding themselves to do so. Lunch box’s should be supplied with an icepack to keep their lunches cool. We do not refrigerate or microwave children’s lunches.
Little Angels MDO Preschool celebrate children’s birthdays in age-appropriate ways in the classroom. Parents may bring cake/cookies/cupcakes that will be served during morning snack.
Birthday party invitations for parties away from the center may be distributed at school only through the classroom teacher. If you do not want your child’s birthday celebrated, please notify the Director in advance in writing.
We observe and celebrate all traditional and Christian holidays with activities that are child-centered, educationally oriented, and developmentally appropriate. These holidays include but are not limited to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
For those children staying until 2:00 P.M., we provide a supervised sleep or rest period. Please supply your child with a nap mat, pillow, blanket, and a special “lovey” for comfort. All items must be clearly labeled with your child’s name. Periodically, items will be sent home for cleaning.
We discourage children from bringing toys from home. When a child brings a toy from home, it is sometimes difficult for them to share, and the toy could break or get lost.
If your child is beginning potty training, please bring your child to school in a pull-up and bring Velcro pull-ups in his/her bag. We will encourage your child and give them positive reinforcements.
Your child should be dressed in play clothes that are durable, comfortable, and appropriate for play and for the season. We will go outside daily, weather permitting. Because a wide variety of activities take place at our center, we recommend clothes that allow for freedom of movement. Many of your child’s favorite activities may tend to be a little messy, like finger painting and digging in the dirt.
At Little angels Mother’s Day Out, safety is of great concern, therefore, we ask that you send your child to school wearing a sturdy shoe that supports the foot properly and protects the toes. Sneakers with socks are the best. We strongly suggest that children not wear clogs or flip-flops on the playground because they are dangerous for running and climbing.
We ask that you provide your child with a backpack daily with a complete change of seasonal clothing. If your child is in diapers, please bring enough diapers for the day for you child. Wipes will be provided by the school if needed.
Children 18 months and younger should have two sets of clothes in their backpacks. In order to avoid confusion and lost items, label each article of clothing.
Little Angels Mother’s Day Out does not discriminate against any child or family based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or disabilities. Reasonable accommodations will be made to provide services to all children enrolled in our program.
Good communication is important in building as relationship between our center staff and parents. Keep your child’s teacher informed of any significant events happening in your child’s life. We will keep you informed of any significant happenings at our center through our monthly calendar.
One parent-teacher conference will be scheduled during the year to share your child’s progress. Staff cannot usually converse with you at length during arrival or departure time since they must give their full attention to the children in care. If there is a need for a long discussion outside of the conference time, please call the office and we will arrange a convenient time for a meeting or phone call.
If you have a question of concern that cannot be addressed by your child’s teacher, please contact the school Director at 254-217-5035
Parents’ are welcome to visit his or her child at any time without an appointment. We suggest visits not be made between 11:45 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. as this is lunch and naptime.
Parents’ involvement in their child’s education is encouraged at Little
Angels Mother’s Day Out. It is important for parents to know what is happening in their child’s classroom as well as the center as a whole. You are your child’s advocate and his/her most important teacher. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to volunteer at the school. You may have a hobby or special interest that you would like to share with the children. We welcome your assistance and attendance at our parties and celebrations. We will offer several opportunities to volunteer throughout the year, or please talk to the director about any suggestions you may have. If you volunteer on a regular or frequent basis, we will ask you to provide information for a background check, complete a notarized affidavit about your background.
We are always looking for ways to improve our program and we welcome your suggestions.